۱۳۸۷ شهریور ۲۴, یکشنبه


I am going back to Iran, in two weeks.
To be honest I cant believe it myself. It is similar to when I was coming to Canada. I had strange feelings. Now again I have different feelings, mostly happy, hopefull,...
I dont have a lot of things to loose in Canada. If I had, maybe I was depressed.
But when I think I realise as I did not work for the last two years and I was concerned mostly about my family, so what do I loose? nothing really.
I had five interviews during last year and I could not get one damn job out of these five. I have started to seriously believe that my hijab is keeping me unsuccessfull for hunting a job. I dont like this fact but it is a reality. Although it is supposedly a free society and everything should be the same for different people and and different cultures, but you will see that this is not exactly true.

I have a short time to prepare for my BIG move.