۱۳۸۶ آبان ۱, سه‌شنبه

first post

I started to write in my weblog for the first time tonight.I suppose it would be more like a diary.
recently I have realized that I dont remember many things that I would like to remember.like when did Maryam start to laugh loudly or when did she say the first word. like how did I feel when I put her in daycare. Now I have my son Amin too. Many times It happens to me that I think about my first child Maryam to know how can I make a decision based on my experience but I dont remember, and also I dont want to miss any more of their sweet memories.So I guess that is the main reason I made this blog.

Ok,now it is about 10 pm ,both Maryam and Amin are sleeping and K1 is out because he had to fix our car.I dont know when will he come back,he always calls me if he is too late or someting is coming up.Thats is very special for me because I get very stressed when I am waiting for somebody,why?I dont know.

Maryam is now 34 months and Amin is 4 months.
I love them so much .My love is growing everyday and specially from Amins birthday I feel so much like a mom.like two momy .I dont know if taht is making any sense. I mean like my motherly feelings are doubled and that is going to explode me sometime.
like I have been studied so long at school. I was so in the school that I cant explain it. Actually the fact that we are now in Canada far from Iran is because we wanted to study more and more. but many days I think maybe I like to stay with these kids until they are like 12 years of age and dont need me like before.

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