۱۳۸۶ آبان ۷, دوشنبه

I am not working today and thats good.
I worked on sunday .My job is sometimes very stressfull.I am now working at an opinion search company. everyday we work for 8 hours and we call people in US and Canada to have their ideas about different things.The projects are very different from politics to ..Tim Horton.
I still dont have a high productivity rate.I guess some part of it is because I have accent.So it should be good for my English.:)

I was very sad the last day at work that why I ended up here and I was afraid to see I am getting far from engineering.but considering the fact that I have a baby this job fits me,because I can work only 2 days and I am able also to work during weekends.
It would be good if I find a better job 7 months later when Amin is 1 year old.
I am searchin through the internet for jobs.I also meet annalise iten the counsellor at YES center(Youth Employment Service) to guide me through my job search.

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